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March 01, 2007


Dan Miller

I meant to tell you this yesterday when we were talking (but I forgot) that I really enjoyed your blog about Lent. In the past, I've never really done anything for Lent, since I kind of just wrote it off as one of those "wacky" things that Catholics do :-). But your post(s) on it have made me re-think it, so I might consider doing something next year

John Remy

I'm meat-free (except for the weekly fish) so far! Like you, I need to work on the meditative, introspective aspect.

Your consumer-free Lent is inspiring. We've managed to escape some consumerist avenues: we buy groceries at Trader Joe's, so aren't exposed to most of the big name food brands; we don't have a TV, so miss a lot of mainstream advertising; I buy many of my clothes at Goodwill. Just looked at that last sentence and it sounds like I'm patting myself on the back. I guess what I'm trying to say is that as hard as we try to avoid it, there are still all these other points of entry for the consumerist lifestyle. I'm surrounded by Apple products right now (email and web is all Steve Jobs needs to penetrate my heart), I have my Borders Rewards and Amazon Prime memberships, etc.

I wish you best on your Lenten journey, and I hope you'll continue to keep us posted!

John Remy

Side note: I think I know more Mormons, atheists and Buddhists (one) participating in Lent this year than Catholics (but most of the Catholics I know are lapsed).

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