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March 12, 2010


Jon Lee


I read your letter to Glenn Beck at the following link: http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/2010/03/Glenn-Beck-Versus-Social-Justice.aspx

Yes Glenn Beck did state that one should exit any church that mentioned “social justice” or “economic justice” on their websites or preached it in their sermons. What did Glenn Beck mean by this? If your entire research comes from reading one article from the New York Times about what Glenn Beck says...your letter makes sense. But I myself went beyond the New York Times. I researched Glenn's website and not only read what he said but listened to what he said. In other words, I took his comments in context. I agree with most of what you said in your letter to Glenn since I am a member of the LDS faith (I am also on the Welfare Committee like you). We are to give to the poor, help the poor, etc. I liked how you quoted Mosiah 4:26. If I just read the article from the New York Times, and your letter to Glenn...I would make the assumption that Glenn Beck believes that churches are not to give to the poor, to provide relief to the poor, etc. And if any church does then run! But common sense led me to look deeper into this. I asked myself..."Is Glenn Beck really saying to leave a church that gives to the poor?" Even if he wasn't Mormon I would still have to look deeper. Why would anyone suggest a thing? I also researched whats Glenn's definition of 'Social Justice?' is. I found the following on his website: "The concept is that Christians should not merely give to the poor but also work to correct unjust conditions that keep people poor. Yes! You're exactly right. We should as Christians do that. But then there's that added little step of having the government do it, not you."

Glenn believes in Social Justice if it means that providing relief to the poor comes from the people and not the government. If it comes from the government then run has fast as you can. It's fine to disagree with Glenn. But you are incorrect when you stated, "[I]f you follow your own advice, you must soon be exiting The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." I have researched this throughly and Glenn does believe in helping the poor. So, suggesting that if Glenn follows his own advise...he should leave the LDS church is simply silly. Suggesting that Glenn is hijacking the Mormon faith is...too be honest, I don't know what to say to that. You are certainly entitled to your own opinion and I respect that. But, I don't know what led you to say that.

Jana, I understand your definition of Social Justice and I agree completely with it. And yes, Glenn would agree with you as well. Therefore, why are you suggesting that he would have to leave the church base on his comment?

Air Jordan

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