You've got your work cut out for you when you're Stephenie Meyer. When you dare to write an in-between novella, the same people who criticized your doorstopping tomes of old now complain that you're holding out on them by penning a 168-page glorified short story. The people who got angry that there was too much of the Edward-Bella-Jacob love triangle in Eclipse now rant that The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella doesn't have enough of their lovelorn woes. And everybody assumes it's all just a marketing ploy to promote the Eclipse movie, which hit theaters yesterday with the largest-ever midnight launch in history. In short, you just can't win.
I'm sorry to add to the criticisms because I hope that Meyer will continue writing about this fascinating world she has created, and I don't want to be that vampire whose special superpower is whining. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is okay. But I have to say, I was hoping for more.
Bree Tanner is a don't-blink-or-you'll-miss-it character in Eclipse, whose story intersects with Bella's in the final battle scene.